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The Importance of Wine Storage Temperature

The Importance of Wine Storage Temperature
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You may be embarking on a journey to find the best wine storage option for your precious wine bottle collection. At first, it might seem overwhelming when glancing through all the makers’ websites and outlets offering you comparisons and deals. But do not fret; the right one is out there for you. Bodega43 is one of several wine fridge manufacturers specialising in constructing these unique units. Hence, these wondrous mechanisms offer only the best wine storage temperature needs for your wine bottle assemblage.

Take your cabin cruiser to the edge of the wine fridge temperature

Wine fridge units come in various shapes and sizes. Encompassing all the crucial features needed to store wine bottle collections appropriately. Many of these units offer the proper wine storage temperature, which all wine connoisseurs demand. Henceforth, you must keep red and white wine between 7 – 18 degrees Celsius. Some wine experts believe red wine requires an ideal climate of 12 degrees Celsius. Likewise, white wine can be stored at a slightly cooler febricity. Moreover, the importance of not keeping wine in an extreme frosty domain can not be over-emphasised. The colder the air, the less aromatic the compounds would be.

A wine fridge delivers on its promises

Wine fridges provide the correct temperature and other much-needed features to optimise the wine cooling experience. Proper humidity is kept at a stable 70%.  It is lacking in any way would lead to costly damages. If the humidity is higher, it will dry out the wine corks, which in turn would lead to the oxidisation process taking place. Oxidisation is when unwanted moisture seeps through into the wine itself. Destroying the very essence that makes a bottle of wine a good wine. Suppose a lower than the recommended level would lead the way to mildew and mould formation. In addition, it is endorsed to install wine racks within the wine cooling mechanism. Henceforth, not only protects wine bottles from breakage but also provides the opportunity to place them on their sides with the labels upwards. Upon your wine bottle collection placement, many wine experts advise that the bottle faces a slight downwards position.

Hiding from the sun

UV rays are detrimental to precious bottles of wine. Luckily, the wine fridge comes equipt with sun-protective glass doors. If wine bottles are exposed to the sun for a long period, the occurrence is called a “light strike”. This type of phenomenon creates an imbalance of riboflavin within the liquid of the wine itself. In addition, long exposure to heat can also lead to the wine being “cooked”, losing the real grape taste and increasing the alcohol aspect. Leaving the wine undrinkable. Many wine fridge experts would agree that wine fridge units should also not be situated in a place where sunlight increases throughout the day. In conclusion, keep on that sunscreen and close those wine fridge doors.

Cool, Cool, Good Vibrations

Storing your wine bottles in an average refrigerator is not recommended. The temperature within such an appliance fluctuates too rapidly compared to that of a wine fridge. And the reason for this is that this type of cooling device is opened regularly during the day. And in addition, the vibration radiated from such a cold storage box is higher than a proper wine fridge. Increased vibrations would lead to unwanted sediment flowing into the bottom of the wine bottle. And placing your wine bottle on top of your fridge is a no-go zone. This positioning leads to high exposure to unnecessary shaking, and the bulb within your light fixture can heat the dire situation even more.