What Does Black Mould On Your Window Frames Mean?
There are so many advantages to double glazing. Your home is comfortable and healthy with increased security and energy efficiency. But if your windows are of an older style, then you may be letting a health menace into your home that can cause long-term damage.

Black mould can cause real problems if it goes unchecked. So what does it mean and how can you get rid of this silent problem.
A threat to health
Damp and mould can lead to a range of health problems including chronic respiratory illness, allergy and a weak immune system. Old people, children and babies are particularly vulnerable to exposure to black mould in the home. Pets may also suffer the ill effects of black mould in the home, which can eventually cause organ failure in humans, with devastating consequences.
What is black mould?
Mould is a common problem caused by condensation and …